Sunday, June 9, 2013

#mindblown - You Can Shop Online at Dollar Tree

First off, let me just say, I love the Dollar store.  Like, probably more than Macklemore loves thrift stores.  If it weren't for my complete lack of singing ability or training I would totally write a song about it.  I think the chorus would be something like: "Dollar Tree, thaz my jam" and it'd be set to the beat of "F**kin' Problems."

Getttting back to reality, I will pretty much use any excuse to go there and I always spend at least a half hour just browsing the aisles.  Sure, I inevitably spend $20 on things that I don't really need and will probably break, but there are some really great things there too.  In all honesty, I know I've bought a lot of stuff there over the past two years (I wasn't ever close to a Dollar Tree before), but I'm not sure what.

I love their glassware, I think my first project from the dollar store was when I filled a few of their square candle holder glasses with their decorating rocks and a small candle and those are now the decoration on my counter.  I also use some of their cleaning supplies, their version of the magic eraser is probably the cleaning supply I use the most out of all the ones I have.  It's great for getting stains off the counter and scuff marks off the walls.

OK, so now that I've gotten that out of the way, the real reason I'm writing:

You can buy things online at the Dollar Tree and have them shipped for free to your local store and pick them up!  I saw a sign about it when I was in the store browsing for crafting stuff (I think I went in to buy some of their candlestick holders to make tiered pedestals out of) and just had to look into it.

Most of the things you have to buy a bunch of, but they're still just a dollar.  So you're still spending like $12 for 12 candlesticks!  This might not make sense for everyone or every item (what would you do with 36 boxes of ziplock bags? or 36 travel mugs?) but if you need a bunch, why not just buy it online?

Online they have some really cute picture frames, and if you wanted to do a gallery wall, these would be perfect!  Plus, you'd know you were getting 24 of the exact same frame.  Here are a few of the ones I really like:

Silver Beaded 4x6 frame: (this is $3/frame, min order: 6)
Silver Plastic Beveled 5x7 frame: ($1, min order: 24)
Matted Triple Bevel 4x6 frame: ($1, min order 24)

Also, they have some really cool craft ideas that show you what to use from their stores:
cupcake pedestals project:
tiered stand project:

[oh, and no, I am not in any way affiliated with the Dollar Tree!]

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